Welcome to Kretschmer Kreativ LLC!

My incessant fascination with the arts and sciences has compelled me since childhood to try my hand at a number of endeavors throughout my life. From drawing, music, woodworking and prop making to studying philosophy, the cosmos, and engineering, I've aimed to explore as many aspects of humanity's rich artistic and intellectual heritage as possible. Being inspired by others who shared their pursuit of similar activities, it seemed fitting to share my creations in this portfolio of my work.

As a career path, I chose mechanical engineering, earning a Bachelor of Science and currently pursuing a Master of Science in the same through Purdue University. I had the honor of serving my country in the US Air Force as an F-16 and A-10 aircraft avionics technician for 6 years. The combination of experiences I've had in aviation electronics process engineering, electromechanical design engineering in the LED lighting and space industries, and supersonic propulsion analysis at NASA has made my technical background rather extensive.

The most fulfilling way I've found to live is by coupling my engineering career with my creative hobbies. They tend to compliment and inspire one another in ways you wouldn't expect. The engineering perspective helps to integrate robust functionality into my personal projects and the creativity from the personal projects helps drive innovation in my professional engineering projects.

Kretschmer Kreativ became a Limited Liability Company on August 28, 2015. With this expanded horizon, I am now able to sell and ship (within the United States and certain international locations) any reproducible item that you see on this site, as well as custom commissioned items. For product or commission inquiries, please contact me through the contact page.


-Michael Kretschmer